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Saturday, May 31, 2008

I See Rude People

Do you guys live under the thumb of the Home Association Nazis? Most newer subdivisions now have them and the wealthier the neighborhood, the more Nazi-like they get. For example, where I helped Ranger Buddy moved into, which is a gated community, you aren't allowed any "debris" in your truck. Meaning, they actually sneak up to your truck at night, shine a light into it and check it for construction stuff. If it's there, you get a ticket. Or, if you're having a party, you can't have people parking all over the roadside. They all have to park at this huge parking lot by the club house and then you have to drive each of your guests to your house. I kid you not. And being a gated community, you can't get visitors after certain hours without your being by the phone to approve them. But that's for a wealthy neighborhood and yes, I imagine most retired wealthy folks like to live rigidly like that.

In MOST other subdivisions, the Homeowners Association (HOA) usually just make sure things don't go overly ugly--like the homeowner who hasn't cut his lawn in weeks and the grass is a foot tall, or if he decides to put a sofa in his front yard and sits there to drink beer at night, or if he parks his huge trailer on the grass and rents it out, or if he decides to repair appliances in his driveway. Usually, it will start with a letter or two before they get all legal about it.

I have been watching the local news lately and the local HOAs have been getting some sort of Nazi-like Virus. One HOA is trying to fine several homeowners in their subdivision for having dead grass, which is something, as one homeowner points out, he can't control because we're having a draught this past year and we aren't allowed to water our lawns more than twice a week. It's a hefty fine--$100 a day! This is reported on the news, but the poor man still have to go to court (time and money) to get this problem resolved.

Then there is this other HOA that's trying to get this man to take down his flag pole. They say it's too high. Lord knows why a tall pole flying the American flag would be "unsightly" or would bring down property values, but anyway, same thing--fines and liens. The man fought this particular HOA in court and the publicity was so big that our governer, Charlie Criss, had to sign in a new law that HOA cannot make homeowners take down a flag pole under 20 feet tall. The man's pole? 19 feet ;-).

Anyway, this NAZI BUG has bitten my HOA. The other morning there was a pounding on my door (didn't ring my doorbell). I opened the door, still in my pajamas, my hair all tangled. A grim looking woman in a notepad was standing there.

Did she greet me? Did she have a pleasant demeanor?

No, of course not. She has the all important job of being the HOA biotch and that gives her the power to just look at me and scold, with that terse look of "yes me powerful" on her face: "You need to powerwash your sidewalk and driveway. They look terrible. And cut back on your plants and bushes. They are horrible."

Wow. Good morning to you too. I just stood there and looked at her. "Okay," I said.

"Follow me, so I can show you what to cut."

Wow. Are you kidding me? Follow you on MY property so you can tell me about MY horrible bushes? "No," I said, very politely.

She stopped moving and looked at me. I think it was in shock. "You don't want to follow me?"

"Not really."

"You'll clean the place up by the time I come back next week?"

Where is this woman's Nazi uniform? I shrugged. "Maybe."

"What do you mean, maybe?"

"Well, I haven't worked in four months," I told her. "I don't have the money to pressure clean anything. I'd rather use it to pay my mortgage."

Not a whit of sympathy on her expression. "Well, you can cut back on these bushes," she said, nodding to my rose bush that has several branches sticking into the walkway. To be honest, it is a wild-looking thing, but if you don't walk up my walkway to my front door (meaning, IF YOU DON'T VISIT ME AT ALL), you won't get attacked by my the branches.

"Sure, if I have time," I replied politely.

"It's really ugly," she said.

"Not as ugly as you," I muttered. Okay, I sort of lost my temper here.

"What?" she asked, not sure she heard me.

"Yes, really ugly," I said, keeping a straight face. "Can I go now? I'm, like, in the middle of sex when you rang the door bell. Can't keep him waiting too long, you know?"

I was being honest. I was writing a sex scene. But the Nazi Biotch doesn't need to know right? Not unless she reads this blog.

You know, I don't have a lot of roofing work right now. I think I'll run for the HOA board. Bring this bitch down. I bet I'll have quite a number of votes from those people whose doors she pounded on that morning. OTOH, I can't abide meetings. Maybe I'll just find out her name and address and after writing her as a fictional plant Nazi being chased by some maneating species in my next story, send the book to her with my compliments. Yeah. ;-)

You just wait. I'll catch her one of these nights looking at the back of old work trucks and telling me I can't have debris in them. You can always tell when someone who doesn't work for a living has just been voted onto an HOA board and is tasting the giddy Koolaid of Power. They drink and turn into Nazis.

Bear with me while I learn. The first button likes the POST. The second button likes the BLOG site. Please help me by "liking" me. Thanks!


vanessa jaye said...

I shouldn't laugh. lol. I just remember that some writer Bentley (Small?) wrote a horror book based on a HOA. And didn't X-Files have a episode on an HOA also? Love your responses to her! lmao! I can't believe her 'follow me' line. ::snort::

Hope the eye is healing well (and that some roofing jobs come your way soon.)

Amie Stuart said...

I say you find out where she lives and do something really dastardly like leave her some smoking dog poop or spraypaint her driveway *cackle*

LadyZannah said...

You know Jenn, B&N sells these really neat voodoo dolls. All you need is a lock of her hair.

Anonymous said...

that was awesome :-D follow me... no. :-D oh and you're ugly hahahaha i bet shes an infosec person in her day job, theyre all nazis grrrr

Anonymous said...

I just blogged about this last week! I got some dude on my porch driving around the neighborhood who thought my lawn was too long (mind you, as I stood on my porch I looked out over the neighborhood and ours wasn't any longer than 80% of the lawns and we'd just mowed the weekend before). I was all, it'll have to wait and then he wanted me to go look at some weeds with him.

He was a douchebag. And my husband waited three extra days before mowing just to spite grass man.

Katrina Strauss said...

I recently posted about my own similar woes. I'm currently duking it out with my HOA, and here I'm just a lowly renter so really, the Homeowner Nazis need to contact my elusive landlord, not me. They are trying to link an invasion of saltcedar in my yard with a recent rash of dandelions that had sprouted up *all over town*, including the common areas, and took forever for everyone to get rid of. (I finally pulled what was left of the dandelions in my yard by hand after three applications of highly toxic weedkiller failed to do the deed.)

Saltcedar, on the other hand, is a parasitic *shrub* with deep roots that wrap around the host plant's roots and then grows into a damned *tree*. It's not like you can just spray it with some weedkiller or pull it up by hand. You can saw it down to the stump as a temporary quick fix, but like a hydra's head, it just grows back. In fact our neighboring state of New Mexico has recently delegated a special task force and a few million dollars toward eradicating saltcedar as it's sucking up their water supply. I didn't even realize this junk was a "weed" at first, as this same plant is intentionally planted all over the suburb I live in. (Hence the reason this crap pollinates and grows in unwelcome places.) Then I received a nasty letter from the HO's, I mean HOA, citing my second "weed offense". After the landlord failed, again, to send the landscapers over, I finally called in my own "weed specialist" to tackle the issue. Dude, fifteen years ago, calling the "weed specialist" over sure held a very different meaning for me. *cough cough* I can't believe I'm even compelled to post about crap like this nowadays, but hey, adventures in suburbia and all...

My spouse says I should reply to the fascists and ask them how it felt to be picked on back in high school. I say those asshats sneak by in the middle of the night and plant this stuff in our yards so they can a. fine us and b. find purpose in their apparently boring lives.

Gennita said...


The eye is okay, thanks. Roofing jobs? Well...check out my fat butt!

As for the HOA, I just hate it when people get a little bit of power and they start to act like they're now King of the Hill of something.


Yeah. LOL. I was talking to the lawn guy about her as I asked him whether he knew anyone who do yardwork on the side, and he was telling me all that the neighborhood thinks she's a bitch too. LOL. I guess now I know, if I want to find out about my neighbors' thoughts, go talk to the lawn guy!

Lady Zannah,

Yes! When she comes to INSPECT next week, I'll ask for a lock of her hair.


I'm polite to people who are polite to me ;-).


I know! Doesn't that kind of attitude just makes you want to let things get worse just to "get" them? I swear, if I have the time to play snotty games with the HOA, I would, but of course, that's what they are all hoping, that you won't have time because you work and the board members, essentially retired or stay-at-home people, don't.

Gennita said...


It's annoying when you have to dole out the money to do something for which your landlord/lady should be responsible. I hope you get reimbursed?

This week, I say, down with HOA bitches! Maybe we should have a Down With HOA Bitches Day where the whole country can come band together and let our feelings be known!

SKKD Lambing said...

Watch the cartoon "Over the Hedge" if you haven't, apparently your HOA is taking notes from the Lady in that movie. Love your snarkiness to her, bet that made her shut up quick. Was it his Jedness & Hell? One can wish right?

Your Awesome and brightened my day.

Amie Stuart said...

>>go talk to the lawn guy!

Why does that not surprise me!

Gennita said...


LOL. The HOA, unfortunately, has time and manpower on their side. Me, I just have my big mouth. But hey, sometimes, it's fun to use it, heh. And yes, I was writing a scene with Hell and Jed. Kristi, are you a member of my Yahoogroup? I get confused with so many emails.

Gennita said...

Yes, the lawn man knows everything. Who recently died? Ask the lawn dude. Who was arrested? Ask the lawn dude. Who daughter is pregnant? Yeah, ask him too. LOL.


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