I enjoyed the race yesterday. What beautiful weather--80 degrees! Except for Brooks and Dunn, the concert sucked donkey balls but that's okay, no one paid much attention.
Boohoo. My Wonder Boy didn't even make it to the top fifteen of the Daytona 500 because of engine blowout. Because of that, you'll just have to feel bad along with me. Check out your future alpha males, according to top fashion visionists, you know, them folks who forecast what the species should wear:

What planet are these creatures from? Obviously, they aren't targetting romance readers for customers. That last pic, the one of them with the stick insects barechested? I can crush them with one hug with my roofing arm. Just sayin'.
I also saw quite a number of the women's fashion on the runway. They are really, really, REALLY stupido this year.
I took down the Shout Box thingie on the right for now. Their webpage is 404, so either their server is down or that website owner has gone kaput. Don't worry, I'll find us another one.
For those wondering where that php forum that I'd talked about last year is, my sister the grand webmistress of everything Gennita has been ill since November. She and her family have been so miserable that I really don't want to burden her with forums and Kirkland File updates.
I know, I know. It's unprofessional to not update websites and so on and so forth but hey, my sister doesn't charge me anything and I'm saving needed dogfood money, so there. We have been meaning to change the Gennita Low website and give it a new look in January but because of illness, I'm putting this off till her family stop giving each other the fun flu.
Funds are really tight right now and I'm grateful for my sister's help. I'm thinking of skipping the RT convention in April to save $$$. Although I love seeing my writing friends and meeting with readers, I'm not sure whether spending $2000 (convention fees, air ticket, hotel room) is wise at this point in a year where my incomes from both roofing and writing are about...zero. Hee.
Hey! Maybe I'll grow thin like the Manorexians! What do you think?
Bear with me while I learn. The first button likes the POST. The second button likes the BLOG site. Please help me by "liking" me. Thanks!
AKKh! Bleach for my eyes! The horror, Jenn, the horror!
P/s I hear you on the money sitch. Let's hope you get some good contracts!
Those men are disgusting and those clothes---totally gay. I'm not doing RT either *sigh* but instead of dog food it's not-so-small boys eating me out of house and home
holy crap... do people really think they look good? Well yea I guess, but still.
ewww Jenn now I must wash my eyes with bleach to get those horrible images of sticks wanting to be men out of my mind.
Let's hear for hunky alpha males!
Food.. For goodness sake get the guys some food - Tara
Thanks! I hope I'll get some good contracts too, roofing and writing-wise!
I hear you about tightening the proverbial belt.
They think they look good. I think they look hungry.
Lady Zannah,
I'll be posting our kind of males soon ;-). stay tune.
I think I'm going to eat a pizza in front of them. What do you say?
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