Does this Bad Puppy look sorry? You see all his toys are back where they belong? See that guilty look? That's because there are THREE slippers in front of him that shouldn't be there and he got caught "sneaking" them to his nest.
The truck and Alpha Male showed up. Does he look sorry? Is there a reason why his workout stuff is neatly tucked behind the seat? His excuse? Shopping. SHOPPING? On crutches? Do you think I can't smell gym odor in my truck?
These are things a romance techno-thriller writer must ponder and consider as she plans murder and mayhem.
Any plot suggestions?
BTW, some of you are emailing saying you only see a stethoscope when you click on the tiny stethoscope in the Kirkland Files. Okay, you HAVE TO click on "next" underneath the icon to view the secret know, half-nekkidness can't just be lying around for easy viewing ;-). And you have to click on "close" to make the stethoscope go away.
So...go enjoy some virile Virii. I don't like that word. I much prefer Viruses.
Bear with me while I learn. The first button likes the POST. The second button likes the BLOG site. Please help me by "liking" me. Thanks!
Bad Puppy! Bad Alpha Male!
Bad Puppy doesn't look guilty at all to me. See? He's even smiling.
Alpha Male, what was he thinking?
Women have superior intellect and a superior sense of smell.
Maybe they both need spankings, eh?
Shopping??!! What kinda lame excuse is that? Everyone knows alpha males do NOT go shopping unless you threaten bodily harm. Alpha males, can't live with them and can't strangle them either...oh well.
As for bad puppies, that is why I have a female doggie so that she knows I'm the alpha b*#%@ around here. It works about 75% of the time, she does have the most adorable brown eyes....
From yesterday's post, I loved Lord of the Fading Lands and Lady of Light and Shadow. Can't wait for the next one to come out.
I am so sorry to have to say this, but that is not a guilty look. That is a disinterested and pointed look to say, "Mommy, you and I need more me time. The shoes are just the beginning." Trust me, I know. My pug Cooper pulls the same stunt. Although I must say, Bad Puppy is quite cute.
As for Alpha Male . . . (sigh) what can you say. He just wants to look super sexy for his queen and hopefully get you to forget the many times per day he asks for your help.
They both looked guilty to me. Hmmph.
Lady Zannah,
The Bad Puppy is adorable when he is just sitting quietly on my lap. But most times, he's just like his original name, Jiggle and Wiggle.
I can't wait for the next one!!!!
I suffer. I so suffer. And all for what? Maybe I'll run away. That'll teach them....
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