Question to e-book readers:
When you order a book, let's say Virtually His, do you then get to download the "file" from the site? And can one just download straight into your computer and lastly, can one read the file with MS WORD? Or must one purchase an e-reader?
I would like to buy VHIS in e-format for my library, you see, but since I don't own an e-reader, I wonder whether I would be able to read it. Some of you out there seem to be avid e-book readers, so I figure I'd ask you.
Have you seen the Sony I-PAQ, btw? I played with one at the RT conference ($300) and it was a nifty little gadget, small and flat, changeable fonts, and loads up to 80 books. Pretty tempting. One reason why I didn't buy it and join the e-book reading world is because I'm an "open the book somewhere, anywhere, in the middle" bathroom reader. If you don't do it yourself, I can't explain this habit to you ;-). I'm also a "thumb through a book" re-reader, meaning, I love to stand in front of my book shelf and just flip through the pages for scenes I want to reread.
It's not going to be the same with an e-reader, which, I suspect, works great for people who just like to read a book straight through. I mean, would there be be the same guilty pleasure of "peeking" at the end? ;-) Or starting a book from the back? Or skipping ahead to just read about one couple if the book has too many? Or just going back and forth, like I'm doing with the Arthur series because I like Quinn's scenes the best?
I know, I'm a weird reader. But if I really love the book, you know I'd know everything about it forward and backwards!
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Tuesday, June 05, 2007
E-Format Isn't Easy For Me
Posted by
9:54 AM
Labels: electronic book, reading habits
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It is easy. You just choose the pdf format and your adobe reader will let you read it on your computer. And I usually save my ebooks to mylibrary in my documents. I save first and then open, but either way works.
Hi Jenn,
Regarding e-VHis ...
I believe it's available in 3 formats: Palm e-book, Adobe and MS Reader. All 3 software can be downloaded for free. My version is in MS Reader format. I got it from and was available for download right away. When I downloaded the file, it was automatically saved to my PC's "My Library" folder, which has all my e-books in MS Reader format. I don't know how downloading works for the other 2 formats. I'm pretty sure it's the same and if there's any difference, it will be a small one.
General e-book comments ...
Majority of my e-books are in MS Reader format so I can read them using my Pocket PC. I know others who prefer Palm format because they have Palm Pilots. I have old ones that are in Adobe, Word, and some other format that I can't remember. :) Normally, once purchased, the books will be added to your library/bookshelf (online) and is available for download right away. There's a limit on the number of downloads though and it varies from site to site. I recommend that you choose the "save" option when prompted during download.
Purchasing e-book pretty simple. You just select the format you want--Adobe pdf is the easiest--and it downloads to your hard drive.
Just remember WHERE you save the file. I just default it to C:/My Documents/My Digital Editions/ebx (that's what the original extension will save as until it translate thru Reader as a pdf).
And you don't need a dedicated reader (though nifty). I have an OLD PDA (think Compaq days) that I use to read e-books. Since I gotta carry my PDA w/me to work anyways, I just slap some e-books on it too and read away. Plus my PDA has expansion slots so I can add as much as I want to SD cards and just swap 'em around. VERY convenient.
Oh, and pretty easy to go to certain pages in e-book b/c you can just type in the page you want or do a search for the phrase/name you want.
Wonder if it'll be an option on the new iPhone? Dude for $600 (not including cell service) I better be able to read a book off it!
I do the flip through for the best scenes too and despite what most people expect it's not always "those" scenes. -grin-
This may sound like a stupid question, but why are you buying an electronic copy of a book you wrote? Don't you have a version saved? Or is it just to see what it is like?
I don't have an ebook reader. I read from my laptop or desktop. I either read in PDF or Microsoft reader. Both have free downloads to use to read them on your computer.
I just have a "my ebooks" folder in my documents where I save them all.
you can't really flip through an ebook the same way you would a paper book but you can still page through it and see it that way.
Hi Tressa,
Oh good, I have Adobe Reader so I can do this without buying a gadget.
Hey Night,
Do they load into your computer first, then you load them into your little gadget? Or is there an option to load straight to your Reader via, let's say, UBS?
You're right, it's not about "those" scenes ;-) when it comes to flipping and rereading. I flip to the emotional scenes that "got to me" when I first read them. I'm going to write a bit about that on the blog today.
LOL, I know I'm being silly but I've never my book in e-format before and I'd like to own one, maybe to give away to my sisters, who aren't book people. Also, when I write, it's in "chapters" file, so I don't have one long file of my book. I know I can create this long file myself but the time it'll take and the reformatting will bore me to death. I'd just buy my own book!
Yeah, I'm one of those people who can sit at my desk with my laptop for hours. or take it to bed if I have to. So no need to really buy a whole new e-toy, really. But the "flipping" of computer pages isn't the same as physical "flipping" of a well-thumbed book, don't you agree? ;-)
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