Want to go deep?
Heeheehee. I knew that would get your attention. I came across a site that would either make your head swim or send you into happy analytic ecstacy. It's a blog called TEACH ME TONIGHT, a blog that discusses the romance genre from an academic perspective.
It's DEEP. It's so deep it can sound like Peanut's WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH at times. But it's pretty cool to know there are people who are dissecting our genre into Shakespearean proportions. Okay, not that deep, but still Shakespeare does have his romantic moments to dissect.
I still haven't read through too many of its blog posts, although the Alpha Male dissection was pretty interesting. It's one of those places I tend to avoid when I'm writing, though, because I find that analysis causes paralysis in the creative process. But for some of you into that kind of stuff, hey, here's yet another web page to park yourself for a few cyber hours ;-).
Do you, as a reader, go THAT deep? I do analyze my favorite books/romance stories but it's mostly personal study, not a general perspective of the themes in romance books itself. For example, when I read Linda Howard's Kiss Me While I Sleep, I was very struck by the fact that La Linda gave the heroine, Lily, a "poisoned" heart, so to speak, when her heart valve was damaged when she drank the wine, and the theme of Lily opening her "heart" to Lucas was prevalent throughout the story. It was only when the valve was repaired at the end, that we see a "whole" Lily again.
Again, that could be too, too deep for another reader, who just probably enjoyed a story about an assassin out to avenge the deaths of her friends and her adopted child. But I did see the Shakespearean elements in La Linda's book, whether she meant it or not--the poison, the rage against the "gods," the Hamlet aloneness, down to the "pretend" death.
If KMWIS hadn't been a romance, I wouldn't have minded if it had ended with the scene in which the hero gave the heroine that glass of wine at the end. OMG, what an ending that would have been! And...so thematically DEEP ;-). Of course, romance readers would never have accepted that ending. But that scene was so powerful, and the subsequent prologue so infodumpish that I felt it took away from what could have been a jaw-dropping ending.
Arrghhh. Stop me. It's me being deep on Saturday again! Wazzup with dat?!
For an antidote of deep analysis, read THIS forum rant/conversation. What do you think of THAT? Deep, but in a scary way, huh?
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Saturday, July 15, 2006
Deep Thought About Romance
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9:22 AM
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Wow that IS deep. Gotta say, that although I like to analyze the characters can't say that I want to go far out. Loses some of it's mystique. You know I wouldn't stand it with an alpha, I'd probably kill him and bury his body in the garden out back, although I do like to read about them. As for Linda's book. That would've been a exceptional ending, for a regular novel with just your mystery, thriller elements, but then again it's (the HEA ending) expected for a romantic novel. Have you read though Cover of Night though? Supposedly it's supposed to be one of her worst. I don't know if I could buy it, so now I'll have to go to the library to check it out first. ~Athena
Well, I read Kiss me while I sleep, and yet I have no idea what you're talking about, now That is scary... (goes back on the to read list)
Hi Athena,
Cover Of Night has a lot more suspense plot than relationship, so it's a bit disappointing to me. Also, I'm so missing Linda Howard's hero POV. The bad guys in this book has more book time than our hero!
Don't mind me! ;-) I do analyze too much sometimes.
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