VIRTUALLY HERS came out Oct. 2009. Get it at SAMHAIN Publishing. VIRTUALLY ONE coming soon.

I've also made available at Amazon BIG BAD WOLF a COS Commando book, an earlier manuscript about Killian Nicholas Langley. You can sample the first five chapters right here. EBOOK now available for KINDLE, NOOK, and at SMASHWORDS for $4.99.

I appreciate all your emails. If you'd like to buy Virtually His NEW, please contact me. Thank you.


Big Bad Wolf Author's Note/CH. 1

Big Bad Wolf CH. 2

Big Bad Wolf Ch. 3

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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

An Uber Author Breakthrough

Did you hear that sound? That's me auditioning for American Idol. Yeap, I'm singing my heart out. And Simon can insult me. I don't care!

Chapter 11 done. Done, done, done! Whew. That was the most difficult chapter evah. I've never had such a painful ordeal before.

And it isn't a long chapter at all. After cutting 8 pages and rewriting parts, I'm down to 11 pages. Yikes.

This chapter is what I called the transitional chapter, the one that bridge theory with action. Some posts down, I wrote about "going back to the beginning" by using my hero's POV. I think it worked because I was able to summarize the behind the scene action that's about to happen so I can just focus on Hell and her mission.

Part of the problem stemmed from Hell being on her own while the rest of her group attends to their own tasks that are crucial to keep her safe, such as someone taking care of the security camera feed, for example. Now, there are many ways I could write this, one with the hero looking at the screen and seeing all the problems and pulling point, or one with Hell talking a lot during her mission (into her mic) so the reader gets what's happening in the other sectors.

I couldn't pull it off, especially in Book One, when Hell hardly knows the other operatives. Maybe in later operations, but not this one. TMI. The reader would be confused, in my opinion. So I scratched those eight pages I told you about.

Lightbulb moment at 3am. Using the hero's POV, I have him focusing on Hell in the romantic light and being the hero, he's checking up on different parts of the operation to make sure everything is running just right for his Hell. So that way, the reader gets what's happening while Hell is walking into danger. And the focus is totally on Hell and not all the hi-tech stuff ala La Femme Nikita being used by our operatives. Besides, the hero's identity is still a secret, so this chapter has the delicious intimate flavor of what he is capable of to keep the reader guessing.

Why am I dissecting this to you in my blog? ;-) I don't like talking about my writing process very much but this has been such a dilemma that I need an outlet! Even Ranger Buddy is reduced to giving me his Simon Cowl look (he doesn't know who S.C. is but he has that look) when I went on and on about my inability to write this sequence. He isn't used to me "stuck" this long. Heck, I'm not used to me "stuck" this long!

Hopefully, problem's solved. I have to wait for my two very patient readers to give me their opinions and comments. Chapter 12 can only be easier, right? RIGHT? ;-)

Oh a lighter note, New York beckons! I'll be gone the weekend and part of next week and will be going to see Spamalot and Blue Man Group! I love Broadway. The last time I went, we saw the Argentina Tango Dance Company and I fell in love, so now you know where I got Reed's moves from. So maybe the Blue Man Group will teach me to write about action scenes without saying a damn word, pffft.

I heart New York. I can't wait. But first...Chapter 12.

Bear with me while I learn. The first button likes the POST. The second button likes the BLOG site. Please help me by "liking" me. Thanks!


Gennita said...

argghhh. I knew I forgot something. Chinese New Year. That means I also forgot to call my parents.

Gennita said...

Hey Rhonda,
I'm glad too, believe me! Now I'm going to try to write a bit in NYC. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. That's me being serious, honest.


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