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Sunday, June 26, 2005

Spying For That Mistake

TWO DAYS before The Hunter is out in stores!

I'm very excited about The Hunter, more so than the last book. The Hunter doesn't have sixty missing pages, for one thing, so everything connects magically--there aren't any dialogue left hanging, no missing love scenes, and, most important of all, the secondary characters are given their space to live.

To this day, I can't reread The Protector because I know, in my head, what's missing, what's been taken away from my baby. Sixty typed pages are about three standard chapters, if you're wondering, and that's a lot of missing story. And yeah, it's one line here, a paragraph there, and chunks of things rewritten--the manuscript was one big mess by the time I was done with it and since I didn't get to see the later massacre, I can just imagined what it looked like by the time it went to production. Revisions tighten a story, or expand or refocus different things about the book. Cutting and "reworking" a story because of production demands make everything choppy and awkward.

I was told (consoled) that most readers won't know or see anything was missing. Enough readers did that they'd mentioned it to me privately. So I still sigh about the massacre.

But The Hunter is all mine ;-). I love the book as it is and I'm looking forward to hearing what readers think about it. Good or bad, I can take it because I know it's my story the way I wanted it told, not some chopped liver served without plate or napkin. The only thing that is making me groan is that ONE BIG TYPO. I can just see all the emails I'm going to get from savvy readers pointing out this mistake! ArrgHhhhhh. Why, why, why was it not caught?

It's tough to write a story that everyone's been asking for--I call it the fear of Hawk on a pedestal. Will he please those readers who love him so much? I hope so. He'd stayed in character through all these books, with just a minor change. He's just a tad angrier because of his situation. But I think Hawk will steal your heart just as he stole mine!

Can you tell that I'm totally in love with my Hawk? ;-) So you'll forgive him and his author about this stupid mistake in the book, right?

Bear with me while I learn. The first button likes the POST. The second button likes the BLOG site. Please help me by "liking" me. Thanks!


nightshield2003 said...

Is the typo "big" enough that the reader can catch it right away? Or is it something one can overlook -- like me who doesn't really pay attention to these details unless they're very, very obvious ;-)? I've finished the book and didn't see the typo, and I was looking for it too 'cause you've mentioned it.

Anyway ... You know, your books should come with a warning: "Don't start from the back" or something like that. I knew all about sleepers and the Project way before I read chapter 1. Not good at all, my precious. ;-) Kinda made reading this character not as...satisfying as it should've been. Ah well. That's what I get for looking for 2 people. Found one and was a bit disappointed the other didn't make an appearance, darling. Hehehe


Gennita said...

No, never read my books from the back, never, never, never. You get surprises that will spoil the story ;-P, especially in The Hunter.

The typo is a major mistake. Actually I found one more, so there are actually TWO major mistakes. One is pretty obvious to fans of this genre; the other is not so obvious to those who enjoy the read without knowing the subject matter. LOL. I'm not telling! I can't believe they weren't corrected! Sigh.

I'm sorry you didn't find all your friends. Remember, one of them is dead.... :-P


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