VIRTUALLY HERS came out Oct. 2009. Get it at SAMHAIN Publishing. VIRTUALLY ONE coming soon.

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I appreciate all your emails. If you'd like to buy Virtually His NEW, please contact me. Thank you.


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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Uber Roofer Trying To Find Time

Mood today:

I lost two days somehow...***looking around...where did they go? I swear I hadn't been touching the wine again! It's like one moment, I'm jumping up and down the roof and the next moment, I'm in bed refusing to move, and it's morning again. Whoa!

Let's blame it on the eclipse, shall we? It tired me out. And put a lot of people in a bad mood, it seemed, because everyone is yelling at everyone around here. Not very conducive to writing.

I've been rereading some of my old posts from previous months. I didn't realize I told you guys so damn much about Hell's book, especially the virtual reality and remote viewing part. Me and my big mouth ;-).

I thought for this next few days, I'll make it an open forum for JED, since I highlighted Heath last week. Yup, you can ask questions and Number Nineness himself will answer you. He won't guest-blog but he'll consider your questions. How about that concession? So anything you're curious about Jed, please drop a line and I'll...hmm...pass your questions on to him.

Wow, that sounds insane-scary. I can hear y'all going: "does this chick know that those are her characters and they don't actually exist?" ;-) Well, yes and no. When you write deep POV like I do, sometimes you aren't really sure which world is more real, the one you're writing or the one you're living in. Also, "talking" to your characters is standard insane author activity.

So are you guys interested in putting His Jedness on the hot seat?

Another curious question: Are you guys redecorating? Redoing a room? Landscaping your garden? Besides blowing up at people for no reason, I mean. Or maybe you see your friends or neighbor doing this? I'm just seeing a trend at my end. Cleaning up on the outside and inside--are you? Or is it just me?

Bear with me while I learn. The first button likes the POST. The second button likes the BLOG site. Please help me by "liking" me. Thanks!


NancyB said...

I went to Lowes last night and dropped 60 bucks on deck stain last night. Now I will franticly be staining to beat the Pacific Northwest fall rains that basicly last until next summer. I also am trying to find a ladder tall enough to clean out the gutters, they are yicky. I need to get this stuff done before my dad moves away and cant help me. You are right, it is the time of year to start battoning down the hatches for winter. And being the fabulous procrastinator I am I have already started a list of things for spring so I dont have to do them now. :)

Anonymous said...

LOL. yes, I'm decortating the outside of the house for Halloween. We have neighbors who started early Sept. and I msut say, it drove me nuts. I'm a competitive person, and so I just HAD to beat them at their own game. I put up lights, fog machine, creepy headstones. Made a HUGE grim reaper. I also plan to continue until they stop with it. Cause in our neighborhood we've always competed. Although personally I don't know why he bothers anymore since I totally kick his ass at it. Ask Jed who's the mother to his daughter, and what happened to her(daughter) boyfriend the one who had the funky hair and piercings. Also ask if his jeans are from the 80's era where they were ripped in the knees...

Anonymous said...

PS. Ask him what his fav genre of book and music is...

Anonymous said...

Was Jed REALLY in love with Nikki at one time?


Leiha said...

I'm not re-decorating, I'm decorating, LOL. Tomorrow my bed will be delivered, woot woot! Now about the nightstand...

Ask Jed what his favorite sexual position is and how he feels about Asian women, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Please ask my darling Jed if he likes his women dangerous. Please ask him if he can be faithful to one woman, seeing that he's so gooooooooooooood at sexual games.

Sigh. I love Jed.

Gennita said...


Good luck! And be careful with the ladder! Excellent questions for Jed--I'm writing them down!

Hugs about your change in status, sweetie. It is always difficult to let go of a relationship that consisted of shared housing. But redecoration is a good start!

You're cracking me up with the neighborhood decoration competition ;-). It reminds me of my neighbors' annual Christmas decoration duel. I must admit, though, that Halloween is a more fun time to compete, with all the scary things one can put in the yard! Take a picture and send it to me!

Oh but you are the prime example for the big end of Aug. solar eclipse change in life! You are redecorating your life. And trust you to be the one who asks about sexual positions!

Thank you, everyone, for the questions. I can't wait for this interview with Da Jedness! :-)

Sadista said...

Could you please ask Jed to find out where the hell Cuke has been lately? I really need to get naked with him.

Anonymous said...

I have just turned 51. Please ask Jed if he will take pity on me and marry me. Or do you think he will only see me as a grandmother figure?
Maureen (who's willing to change her name to Helen)

Gennita said...

Sadista, Sarah and Maureen,

Another set of great questions, although I'm not sure whether would really have much to say about CUCUMBER, Sadista! LOL. And I see there are some bold ones among you who will push Jed about Hell. Proud of you!


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