Once upon a time, these words were interesting. Then they became abused by a million netizens who use them over and over in cultist fervor. Now I start skipping posts that have them.
Privilege, as in blaming the "white privilege" or "male privilege" for some kind of unfair treatment. Yes, the whole world is against you, but I really don't care any more after 2,315,298 posts about other people deliberately misunderstanding the label because they are more privileged or happen to have a penis or are born white or have never been in your position due to fate or circumstance.
Heifer, as an insult. To me, it's equal to and may be even worse than the C word. I think it's horrible to call another person that word and I'm a roofer, used to the worst sort of name-calling.
Webinar, a word that makes me think ofl a seminar attended by ducks. Quack. quack, quack.
___Fail! which is now becoming a fad. It was funny when it started, as in QueryFail! and RWAFail! and RaceFail! or whatever the hot controversial topic of "bad behavior" by some group or other happened to be. But overuse has made it lose its impact. It's not cool any more, cool kids. #failFAIL!
Any word affixed to the word "green" or "carbon." I am TIRED of your greening or carbon-footprinting everything, okay? It makes me see red.
<3, which stands for "love," as in I <3 Gerard Butler. First time I saw that, I thought the "I" was doing Gerard Butler from behind. Or she wanted less than three Gerards. Or someone wants to show her boobs to Gerard. It is an irritating shortform. I'll take "heart" (which is also overused) over <3 any time.
"I want to have your babies." Words that basically shows how much you love someone or something. It's even funnier when it's a blog post from the same sex to another. Girl writing to girl: "Sally is awesome! I want to have her babies!" I've seen one male writing this to a female poster, which did crack me up. He wanted to have her babies--did he mean he wanted to take her babies or did he want to impregnate her or did he want her to impregnate him somehow? Hmm.
"At the end of the day." Come on. That was so pre-2008.
That's my Monday mini rant. Do you have words you want banned from the Internet from overuse? I'm sure there are plenty more.
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