VIRTUALLY HERS came out Oct. 2009. Get it at SAMHAIN Publishing. VIRTUALLY ONE coming soon.

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Post #2: Overheard in Pittsburgh

I'm in between planes, and suffering from Hotel Hilton Sawdust/Plaster Inhalation and Rash, so I'm jotting down these Romantic Times moments because I know I'll be braindead and sick by the time I reach home.


If you've never read Eisler, and want to know more about a half-Japanese assassin named John Rain, get thee an Eisler thriller. Hot hero-assassin. Hot sex. Methinks you'll likee.

Oh. And a hot-looking author too ;-). Knew that'd get you to click to his website. Seriously, I have had several wonderful conversations with this bestselling author, and he's very excited about getting more romance readers to try his books. I'm all for it too.


Yes, I was pretending to be drinking as I listened to Many Plot Details from the next J.R. Ward book. You know, the one about PHURY. Oh, baby. My Sistahs, you will wanth to readth this book. Big things are going to happen, things that will rock the world of the Brothahhood as you know it. And there is a new Dudth in town that you'll immediately want. Yes, yes, the Black Dagger Crack is going to up its addiction factor.


The hand. The smirk. Heh. For this story, you'll have to read it at Liz Maverick's and Marianne Mancusi's Rebels Of Romance blog. Liz and Marianne write some of the most innovative books (Dorchester's Shomi line) and I love the videos of RT they've been filming together. Check out Day One and get a taste of the Goody Room. And of course, check out how Fabio grazed Liz's boobah.


I want to put down the names here before I forget. It was such a pleasure to meet the following authors up close over meals and drinks:

1) Anya Bast, her wonderful husband and her beautiful baby

2) my dahlink Lauren Dane who was as scintillating in person as online

3) Cheyenne McCray, prolific and magnificent, with new trademark shoe (grin)

4) Mark Henry, who writes twisted books about zombies, who is just as killer witty in person

5) Sasha White, a quick hug

6) Judith Rochelle, another quick hug

7) Jeri Smith-Ready, my patient roommate who tolerated my dropping stuff in the room at night

8) Ann Aguirre, my other patient roommate who tolerated my kicking her in bed at night

9) Samantha Kane, whom I tried to kill when I found out she won the raffle ticket to SIT NEXT TO ADRIAN PAUL at a dinner function

10) Caitlin Kittredge, debut author (Night Life), with four or five books coming out, who made me feel my age when she announced that she just turned 22. Arghhh. :::headdesk:::

That's all I remember right now but these authors and many more made the whole week so much fun.

I'm also thankful for all the readers who made RT such a great experience (I have photos later). Wow, wonderful costumes this year, folks. Thank you, especially, to those readers who came by my spot during the Book Fair, helping me almost sell out all my books! Meeting happy readers and booksellers is always my most favorite thing at RT, and to have them come to me to talk about my books and demanding more, made my whole week of HOTEL HELL worth it. And yes, answering questions about His Jedness all four hours is always fun ;-).

Lastly, meeting up with good friends: Marjorie Liu (that awesome author with 2000 books out), my drinking buddies Jill Smith (RT reviewer) and Michelle Buonfiglio (Romance B(u)y The Book blogger), Kathy Love (who has an entire rock and roll band as her entourage, how 'bout that for awesome?), Bonnie Vanak, Stacey Agdern, the best New York bookseller who shared Cambodian Food Orgasms with me on the last day at RT, Su, my RBL sweetheart whose crazy sexiness captured John de Salvo's eye, J.R. Ward, Kayla Perrin, Rosemary Potter (all the way from Australia!), my dancing partner, the sexay and lethal Cherie, over whom I have a total girl-crush, and so many more.

Awesome, awesome memoments (my new word). I hope to write more about the whole RT shebang when I'm back home in one piece, hopefully with most of my brain intact. Thank you, Romantic Times, for organizing a great convention. I always have a great time being author, reader, and amazed observer through the whole week. I heart RT.

And so, Glow Peeps, how was your week?

Bear with me while I learn. The first button likes the POST. The second button likes the BLOG site. Please help me by "liking" me. Thanks!


Jane said...

Wow, sounds like you had a great time. Did you spy any hot cover models?

Anya Bast said...

It was great meeting you, Gennita! I'm going to stalk your blog now. :)

LadyZannah said...

sneaky Fabio, lol. Now you need a vacation to relax after that experience.

Anonymous said...

What, no pics of half-naked men?!?

Glad you enjoyed yourself. The Fabio pic is funny. haha

Gennita said...


Pics later today or tonight ;-).


Hey, girl! How was the trip home with baby? I can't wait to read your book.

Lady Zannah,

Fabio was fabulous, I heard.


I'm still recovering from my travels. I'll post pictures later today or tonight, kay?

Anonymous said...

I'm whining. I didn't know you were there. I would have tracked you down.

Jeri said...

Gennita, it was a real trip rooming with you! You were equally as patient with my wandering around in the morning pre-coffee, cussing and bumping into shit.

Hope you picked up a few coins at the Book Fair. ;-)

Bonnie Vanak said...

I want to know when you're going to enter your roofing guys in the cover model competition. This year's theme was MEN OF STEEL. Your guys could be MEN OF SHINGLES.

I had a working coffee maker, nyah, nyah. With lots of lovely dust and spores floating about in the room, the flavor of the day was Moldy Columbian Special Reserve. Starbucks is itching to copy, I hear.

Loved your homemade sign at the book fair. You are one crafty wench, you.

Gennita said...

I would track you down too! Gah. Next time, I'll email you.

Sorry I missed saying tata to you. You're the most understanding roomie. And yes, they tossed some coins into my coffee cup ;-).

It was so good to see you again. The hotel made up the no coffee problem by actually having a special room on the 21st floor for authors to go to. There were snacks and coffee, yay! It was like the Sekret of the convention. And yes, I'm amazed at how many people remembered my--uh--crafty sign. LOL.

Gennita said...

And oh by the way, Bonnie V, surely you jest about my guys being in Mr. Romance. HAHAHAHAHA. No, you don't want any protruding stomachs and horrible teeth gyrating on stage towards you, do you? Noooooo....

vanessa jaye said...

Great post, Gen. Love the piccies too in the post above.

CheyenneMcCray said...

It was so awesome to meet you,
Gennita! And I hope to be rid of that shoe long before next RT. *g*

Bonnie Vanak said...

If another tree crashes on my roof during hurricane season, I'll take protruding guts and bad teeth strutting on a runway anyday, as long as they have a big hammer and know how to pound in just the right places. :-)

Oooh baby, gyrate those trusses...

Samantha Kane said...

Gennita ~ It was fabulous sitting across from you at the booksigning! I thought we shared some very meaningful eye contact until you threatened to kill me. sniff. I thought we had a thing.

Dinner with Adrian (my new bff. HA! I wish) was great. He was great. He was beeyootiful. But I wasn't allowed to sit next to him. I don't think they trusted me. I even got a no groping speech. Sheesh, do I look like a groper? Fabio was grazing all over the place. He got a nice handful of my behind. But he was very friendly and nice. I was surprised they didn't have anything set up to take more donations for their respective charities, both of which were excellent.

Adrian, despite my husband's fears (HA! again) did not sweep me off into the sunset, but I got some great pics with him. I just haven't figured out how to get them onto my computer. I'll send some when I do!

Gennita said...

They didn't let you sit next to him? Damn. I would have stamp my foot and demanded that my friend Gennita Low take your place there, then ;-).

I'm glad you had fun. The only thing that saved your neck was the fact that I've met Adrian Paul before a few years back, LOL. Send me the pics! I'll post them on the blog. Jenn AT Gennita-Low.

Gennita said...

One more thing, Samantha, Fabio grazed your behind? Heeheehee. I'm beginning to suspect that he misses RT....

Samantha Kane said...

Hey ~ I tried to send pics to the address you gave me, but it wouldn't work. Email me and I'll try again.


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