This should be scary depressing. I'm enjoying American Idol's finale with all the past Idols singing and power stars (shit, even Bette Midler is making an appearance) coming on more than the Emmys and whatever music award shows they put on these days that I happen to catch now and then. Wow. I mean Green Day and Steve Perry on AMERICAN IDOL? What does it mean?
I can't wait for the day Marilyn Manson guest-sings and teaches the idol-wannabes on American Idol! Now, that would be one episode I'll watch, just to see Simon's face. LOL.
So anyway, right now...fifteen minutes before they crown...yawn...Jordin as the new Idol. Blake is doomed because I wanted him to win, just as I'd wanted Chris Daughtrey last season, and Bo the season before. They too were doomed.
I went to Walmart's the other night, and out of curiosity, wandered to the book aisle. Yup...NOTHING there. There's, like, six stacks of Linda Howard's newest Silhouette, three stacks of her newly-issued paperback, Cover of Night, four thousand stacks of La Nora ;-) and J.D. Robb's Born In Death, about five other authors with new books out (sorry, I blank out for the moment) and that was it. The rest were last month's books. I picked up Brenda Joyce's Dark Seduction and J.D. Robb's Born In Death.
What are the June books coming up that you're looking forward to?
I got to edit to add: That obligatory last Idol song sucks canal water. Last year's too. Ugh. Would you download those songs for your Ipod?!
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Idle Thoughts
Posted by
8:39 PM
Labels: Blah Blah Blah, book stuff
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Stray by Rachel Vincent, Witch Fire by Anya Bast, Key to Conflict by Talia Gryphon, Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr, and Master of Dragons by Angela Knight.
Hi Jenn,
Funny .. I was checking if you've updated your blog and the moment I saw the word "Idol" on your post, I immediately closed my browser. Didn't want to get spoiled as the show was still on on the west coast. Though I couldn't care less who wins. Now that the show's over, I have to agree with you bout the Idol song. It sucks. Grrr. Good thing about Mindy Doo getting the boot -- she didn't have to sing that song. Then again I'm pretty sure she'd have done an awesome job.
Books I'm looking forward to for the remainder of the year (in order of release date:
1. High Noon (Nora Roberts)
2. Up Close and Dangerous (Linda Howard)
3. HP & the Deathly Hallows (JK Rowling)
4. Devil May Cry (Sherrilyn Kenyon)
5. Dark Possession (Christine Feehan)
6. Creation in Death (JD Robb)
7. Virtually Hers (Yours)
Wow. Dark Possession is on hardcover. I guess Feehan's Carpathian books will be on HC from now on. Which made me realize that except for VHers, all the books on my list are on HC. Sheeesh.
.. O-k-a-y ... blogger won't let me post ... try and try and try some more ... nope ... wth is going on?? ... I had to "re-create" my account ... wth? NEW BLOGGER SUCKS!!!
Books I'm looking forward to in June:
Lean Mean 13 - Janet Evanovich
Abandon - Carla Neggers
In Darkness Reborn - Alexis Morgan
Kiss of Crimson - Lara Adrian
I'm always on the look out for a good romantic suspense or paranormal--now that I've discovered the joy of vampires thanks to JR Ward! :)
You had mentioned the scene with Armando and Jed, but it really doesn't stand out. Plus, I just assumed the other commandos didn't know Jed was Hell's trainer. I need to re-read that book again! How many more months until the new one comes out again?? :(
I was so annoyed that the show ran over b/c I was watching it on DVR and I missed the ending. I liked Green Day's performance the best. I love Carrie Underwood, too.
I'm looking forward to the new Cindy Gerard, Lara Adrian, Dee Davis and some mentioned above. It's a good summer for new releases. Now only if Virtually Hers was coming out in August. *g*
Word on the street is that Walmart has cut its book orders in half for some, possibly all, publishers. Bodes ill for book shopping at Walmart. I just bought Joyce's Dark Seduction. Hoping for a new addiction.
I only recognize three of the names on your list! And I have Angela's newest, bwahahaha.
Hey, Leah,
All of the books on your list, except mine (boohoo), should be easily found at Walmart or Target. All big names!
I think I saw Adrian's book in Walmart the other day.
As for the commandos not knowing that Jed is Helen's monitor...are you sure? I mean, don't you think it's convenient that they are always in or out of the way at crucial moments? :-) Are you sure Jed hadn't ordered them to do certain things to distract Helen from the truth? Hmmm? ;-)
I love Cindy's books too. Can't wait for her new one.
As for Carrie Underwood, her voice certainly has improved!
Hi Ferfe,
Yes, what you heard is true. So sad. I think I'll like Dark Seduction. Highlander...immortal...just my kind of thing!
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