To Reese:
Thank you for posting about the human trafficking theme on your blog. I've grown up being aware of this problem and had never had a chance to bring it out into public awareness. The issue is now even on TV more and not just headline news. Even Patti O'Shea is blogging about it and I know she doesn't watch much TV ;-) so somehow the universe is listening to my prayers about more awareness. And that is why ROMANCE BOOKS is more than just love and googooga romance, folks!
Today is the opening of the Winter Olympics. Yeeha. One of my favorite sports will be playing out its usual drama--figure skating, of course. I'm only watching it because my Michelle Kwan is there. If she hadn't been given the bye, NBC could have waved goodbye to my interest. I like the other sports too but they don't grip me me like MK's skating. And yeah, I'm an awful fangrrrrrrrl where she's concerned, LOL. I could gush about her figure skating and program for hours.
One thing I'm not and that's an uber-athlete. But there are things that link all uberness together and that is the willingness to sacrifice the body for the quest for perfection. The uber-athlete would live for the moment (a few years...), putting their physical bodies through pain to break it and build it again, so he/she would be the best in their field. The uber-author would be willing to sacrifice his/her potentially gorgeous butt and waistline by sitting for hours eating chocolate and drinking coffee/coke so he/she could write the masterpiece. Heh, heh, heh.
But we are united in our mental strength, in spite of our health differences. LOL. We love what we do or we wouldn't do it. We WANT that moment--be it Olympic or USA Today Bestseller glory--and once we start on our path, we try, again and again, to reach our goal. Some might even cheat to get there (aka as doping and plagiarism, LOL, and get away with it, **coughcough Barry Bonds cough**cough a famous author with the initials of J D coughcough**).
My path to start writing again started quite simply. It was 1998. It was damn hot--about 120 degrees on the roof. I was swinging a hammer and suffering from a mild case of sun-madness, meaning, I just had an awful morning screaming at crapenters in three languages, one of which was colorful enough to make the United Nations. And some stupid country song was on radio by...hmm was it the song by Lori somebody...oh about the uselessness of cheating men and life or something very deep like that. And I remember thinking..."Man, this SUCKS." LOL. "My brain is dying and these stupid men are killing me with their idiocy."
I told you, it was one of those mornings.
That evening, I helped my old neighbor cleaned her closet out and she had these old Harlequin Presents. I used to read them way back when. And I told my other neighbor that I had actually written a pseudo manuscript when I was fourteen and sent it to Mills and Boons (Harlequins in Britain) and they had written back and asked for more. Of course she didn't believe me (true story about that ms except you know--I was fourteen and sure didn't know that I had to finish a story! She then challenged me to write a book.
Aha. The birth of uber-author. A challenge, eh? Did I still have the mojo to sit down and write? Could I even string a few sentences without any references to stupid crapenters? And most important of all--could I finish the story?
I'm happy to report that I did and I could!
And that was my first step to sacrificing my butt and waistline. Oh, the trail of chocolate wrappers through the years....
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Friday, February 10, 2006
Uber Butt and Uber Waistline
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9:42 AM
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My dear SQ,
MICHELLE KWAN RULES! Hah! ;-) Surely you know, with the new Stupid Marking system, you don't need a quad or a triple-triple to win. All MK needs to do is to skate with PASSION and do most of her jumps after the 2 minute mark for maximum points. She has an awesome triple-doubleloop-doubleloop that would rack up more points AFTER the two minute mark than a triple-triple that is being done before it. For the men, for example, a triple-triple-double or a triple-triple after the 2? minute mark is worth more than the stupid quad that they do in the beginning.
I'm a fan of Kristi Y. too. She had an awesome triple-triple that I haven't seen any of these little ones do.
OK...let's not talk figure skating. I can go for hours analyzing it....
A Winter Olympics romance? Kewl! I might try to find it. It's not easy to write a convincing figure skating romance for someone like me. It's like reading an instruction book about roofing. HAHAHA.
Hey, you know what I miss? Fried Lin-koh. My mom made the BEST lin-koh, the gooey stuff that I don't like fresh. I like it hardened, then I cut them into slices and fry them with light batter. IMG. That stuff is amazing. Wahhhhh.
Gennita, I saw a story last night on American teenagers being kidnapped right out of their schools and backyards and forced into prostitution. Your human trafficking plots are very current AND important!
Probably the most disturbing story I've ever read was about a young English mother who took her 3 year to Greece to live and work. The child was being babysat and just vanished from the backyard. The woman wrote her story very well, indicating that she believed there are kidnapping rings in that region, where children are sold to couples who believe the kids are orphans. Her story broke my heart.
Oh dear, this is a very dark theme, indeed. Sorry.
Mary Stella,
Good to know the topic is becoming more prominent on television shows.
Ya, I know. It gets depressing. And it makes one very angry. I spent days being both after reading UN reports on this.
That's why, IMHO, in writing, you have to balance the darkness with the light, or the former will devour you.
Now, I'm going to make all the readers groan by talking about Michelle Kwan all week. ;-)
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