VIRTUALLY HERS came out Oct. 2009. Get it at SAMHAIN Publishing. VIRTUALLY ONE coming soon.

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Friday, July 15, 2005

Old UberSpies and Creaky Bones

Today is the grand adventure, the long and exciting drive from FL to SC. I'm actually looking forward to it because I really hate driving but this is in a convertible ;-) and I have a friend with me ;-). Besides, compared to yesterday, it would be a piece of cake!

My current roofing assignment is a painful one (and I'm glad to have an excuse to run away for a few days). Yesterday, being uber-roofer of the SMALL variety, I was the only one who could step out onto a ledge over a window about thirty feet above ground. This ledge was more like a nook because it had a low overhang and so I was crammed inside it. It fitted me perfectly and I was like one of those Buddhas sitting out inside those small crannies at the side of the mountains, you know?

Alas, instead of just reposing and welcoming adulation and worship, I had, instead, manuever my ass around that tiny space so that I can take off these old shingles that some stupid roofer from before had TARRED onto the wood instead of doing it properly. It was a very frustrating two hours as I fought the heat and the cavity, along with painful cramped positions, to get a miserable six or seven shingles off that thing!

I had a pic taken of me with my cell phone but of course, don't have the cable to upload this wonderful sight of me (with a glimpse of the swimming pool down there) as uber-roofer. Anyway, there were TWO of these ledges and after finishing the first one, I declared that I enjoyed it so damn much, I'm heading off to do the other one too.


Well, my right arm feels like Hulk Hogan has twisted it the wrong way this morning because I spent four hours chipping away at these shingles with a hammer at the wrong angle. And my knees definitely are feeling a bit creaky. So yeah, where's the damn coffee so I can get off my butt and pack for the trip? Grrrrowl.

Some smartass roofer suggested that I blow up the picture to show to the RWA members at Charleston and yell, "You wanna know about fear? I'll show you a picture about fear!" The pic has me dangling with one leg over the hurricane window shutters, trying to keep my balance, with a stupid smile on my face. I think I have too much faith. LOL.

Ever have one of those days when you feel that you're too darn old to be doing that sort of thing? Well, that's the feeling my body's telling me at the moment. NO MORE CRAMMED NOOKS three stories in the air! With no ladder! You ain't no young chick any more!

I wonder whether Uber Spies get into such spots for their kills and have these thoughts? It's good to know even glamorous jobs get their knees out of shape sometimes. Now, where's my walking stick? I need to hobble over to put on my Super Writer costume....

Bear with me while I learn. The first button likes the POST. The second button likes the BLOG site. Please help me by "liking" me. Thanks!


Mary Stella said...

Yeah, I get those, "You're too old for this" feelings sometimes. Then I whomp myself upside the head and tell myself to never think that again. We're never too old to do something. We're simply old enough to make discriminating choices. :-) Hey, uber-roofer chick, you've reminded me. I need to get someone to climb on my roof and tell me where this foot-long cylinder thing was before the tropical storm blew it off. I think it's a vent pipe thing. Have a great trip!

Gennita said...

Hey Mary Stella, if it's metal and not lead, it sounds like a roof vent for either the dryer or your stove. Is there a hole in your roof????! Better get up someone up there to take a look, girl!


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